Tuesday, June 10, 2008


"Do not grant amnesty to illegal aliens. Regardless of the penalties imposed, any program that grants individuals who are unlawfully present the legal permission to remain here rewards illegal behavior and is unfair to those who obey the law and go through the regula­tory and administrative requirements to enter the country legally. Those who enter the United States illegally should not be rewarded with permanent legal status or other such benefits, and they should be penalized in any road to citizenship. Those who enter and remain in the country illegally are violating the law, and condoning or encouraging such violations increases the likelihood of further illegal conduct."
Heritage Foundation "Issues 2006, Immigration," MyHeritage.org2006

Would you agree with this statement? why or why not?
posted by Martha on June 10th, 2008 09:31 pm


Anonymous said...

Having never been n the situation or understanding the process myself it is a tough decision. I feel that "illegals" do make it harder for those following the laws and steps of citizenship.
It seems that people invisible to the system would at some point feel immune to it, and allow them to live outside the law in many ways.
This process is so difficult to control and understand since the reasons and means by which people come to this country are as diverse as the people themselves.

jck4 said...
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jck4 said...

I totally agree with Dan (above) the more Illegals here cause for stronger restrictions on immegrants trying to do the right thing and now with it so hard to become legal its becomeing easier to just be illegal cuase there doesnt seem to be anyting wrong with it and hey you might get amnesty and get to stay afterall and you didnt even have to mess with the pesky legalities of doing it the right way. I honestly feel so bad for all the legals here and what they are now haveing to go thru to become legal due to all the no worries illegals (b*st*rds). Good Topic For Sure!!!

WayneDaStar said...

Okay, so I didn't really know how to respond to this topic, so I asked my mother what she thought about it, and she said to me told me her outlook on the whole situation. Reading Dan's comment, I kinda agree with him, but thene I think about those who come here illegally looking for a change of life and whatnot. So then I become torn. But if they are here illegally and not following the legal laws that we all abide by everyday, or at least try to, then that is when it becomes a problem, and the something has to be done. So it seems that those migrating here illegally, but choose to abide by the laws, then that becomes a problem for them when the whole ordeal has to be dealt with.

Frank said...

I do think that if anyone wants to become a citizen, they have to go through the proper procedures. this whole country is based on procedures. whenever you have to get a legal document (permit, licence, etc) it's a pain in the ass and you wish there was an easy way to do it. but there's not! as americans, we all have to go through this bulls***, so the imigrants might as well get started by going through the long arduous process of getting citizenship. better get used to it...we all have to, it sucks but, welcome to the USA!

Denecio said...

if a person pays taxes and dont break the law should get their citizenship